International Journal Of Community Service <p><strong>International Journal Of Community Service (IJCS)</strong> is to provide a community service medium and an important reference for the advancement and dissemination of community service results that support high-level community service. Original theoretical work and application-based studies, which contributes to a better understanding all fields Community Service and Social.</p> en-US (Dr. Arman Harahap, M.Si) (Arman Harahap) Sat, 30 Nov 2024 17:30:02 +0700 OJS 60 Digital Technology-Based Marketing For Neglasari Tourist Village Bogor Regency <p>Tourist villages are currently becoming an alternative form of tourism by promoting the concept of interaction between nature, culture, and local wisdom. Bogor, as one of the regencies in West Java province, has various interesting tourist destinations to visit, both by local and international tourists. The location of Bogor Regency, surrounded by mountains such as Gunung Gede Pangrango, Gunung Halimun, and Gunung Salak, has various natural tourism potentials. One of the tourist villages in Bogor Regency that offers nature tourism is the Neglasari tourist village. The Neglasari tourist village is traversed by the Cisasa River. The flow of the Cisasa River is utilized by the managers of the Neglasari Tourist Village to offer water tourism packages such as body rafting and river tubing. This river tourism business has been operating since 2021. The Neglasari tourist village is not yet very popular and is not frequently visited by tourists. The average visitation rate is only 4-5 groups of visitors or 20-50 people each month. This is due to the lack of massive promotion and marketing. To increase tourist awareness, digital marketing needs to be carried out with a good concept and done sustainably by utilizing digital marketing platforms such as websites and social media. The community service team from the Faculty of Economics and Business, Pakuan University, conducted training and mentoring programs related to digital marketing for Neglasari Tourism Village. The results of this community service activity include the Neglasari Tourism Village website, social media promotion flyers, content marketing guide modules, and promotional videos for Neglasari Tourism Village.</p> Aditya Prima Yudha, Fitria Virgantari, Agus Setyo Pranowo, Dewi Maharani, Adelio Awwaqin Putra Hasrin , Restu Fadhillah Copyright (c) 2024 Aditya Prima Yudha, Fitria Virgantari, Agus Setyo Pranowo, Dewi Maharani, Adelio Awwaqin Putra Hasrin , Restu Fadhillah Sat, 30 Nov 2024 00:00:00 +0700 Parent Training: Techniques for Preventing and Handling Bullying in Children <p>This community service aims to empower parents in preventing and dealing with bullying in children. The specific goals of this program are to increase parents' knowledge about bullying, develop effective communication skills, and build a supportive family environment. The hypothesis put forward is that the training provided will increase parents' knowledge and skills in recognizing and handling bullying cases, as well as reducing bullying incidents among children. The methods used include lectures to convey basic material about bullying, group discussions to share experiences and handling strategies, as well as case simulations for direct practice in handling bullying. Evaluation is carried out through pre-test and post-test to assess the increase in participants' knowledge and skills. The expected result is an increase in parents' awareness and ability to prevent and deal with bullying, as well as the creation of a safer and more supportive environment for children. It is hoped that this training can contribute to comprehensive bullying prevention efforts and strengthen the role of parents in supporting children's welfare.</p> Devid Dwi Erwahyudin, Afitria Rizkiana, Dwi Estiningsih, Masitoh Copyright (c) 2024 Devid Dwi Erwahyudin, Afitria Rizkiana, Dwi Estiningsih, Masitoh Sat, 30 Nov 2024 00:00:00 +0700 Enhancing Financial Literacy of Indonesian Migrant Workers in Malaysia through the Sikapi Uangmu Application <p><em>This community service program aims to improve the financial literacy of Indonesian Migrant Workers in Malaysia through direct training and digital technology, specifically, the Sikapi Uangmu application developed by the Financial Services Authority. Indonesian Migrant Workers often face challenges in managing their income, particularly in budgeting, investing, and handling debt. This program is designed to equip them with practical financial skills, enabling them to reduce financial risks and prepare for a more stable financial future. The results of this community service program indicate a significant improvement in Indonesian Migrant Workers' ability to manage their finances, including budgeting, selecting safe investments, and managing debt. The Sikapi Uangmu application provides easy and interactive access to financial information, allowing Indonesian Migrant Workers to engage in self-directed learning. Although the program has been successful, several challenges still need to be addressed, such as the digital divide and resistance to changing financial behaviors. Overall, the program has had both short-term and long-term positive impacts on Indonesian Migrant Workers in Malaysia and their families in Indonesia. However, its sustainability requires further adjustments to overcome technological barriers and to support more sustainable financial behavior changes</em></p> Ariyani Rahmawati, Fahri Ahzar, Samsul Rosadi Copyright (c) 2024 Ariyani Rahmawati, Fahri Ahzar, Samsul Rosadi Sat, 30 Nov 2024 00:00:00 +0700 Workshop And Certification Of Oil And Gas Occupational Safety And Health Operators As An Implementation Of Safety Culture Among High School Students In Dumai City <p><em>Oil and Gas Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) has strict requirements in its application to support the safety of workers, including standardisation of equipment, personnel, general oil and gas installation policies and work procedures so that oil and gas agencies or companies can operate reliably and safely. A small mistake or negligence is a failure to comply with safety requirements, which can be fatal and cause severe disasters to the company and the surrounding community. The main factor of work accidents that often occur is human or worker negligence or carelessness due to lack of knowledge. Dumai City became a 'pearl' on the East Coast of Sumatra and earned the nickname 'Oil City’ which produces various raw materials such as petroleum, natural gas, palm oil, and coconut oil; knowledge of O</em><em>SH</em><em> behaviour should be instilled from childhood so that the Workshop and Certification of Oil and Gas O</em><em>SH</em><em> Operators to SMA / K Students as the First Step in Implementing OHS Culture in the Dumai City School Environment to equip people with knowledge and expertise in the field of Oil and Gas O</em><em>SH</em><em>. Prevent work accidents and support and improve the K3 culture. The workshop was held from 1 to 5 March 2024, while the Oil and Gas O</em><em>SH</em><em> Certification exam for operator level was in collaboration with LSP PPSDM Migas for the STTK exam on 27-28 August 2024. Fifty participants attended the certification, and 31 participants were declared competent. </em></p> Budi Sulistiyo Nugroho, Farid Alfalaki Hamid Farid, Annasit Annasit, Astrie Kusuma Dewi, Susilo Handoko, Erdila Indriani, Astrie Kusuma Dewi, Hanifa Akrom, Sri Wahyu Warningsih, Diah Sekarwati Copyright (c) 2024 Budi Sulistiyo Nugroho, Farid Alfalaki Hamid Farid, Annasit Annasit, Astrie Kusuma Dewi, Susilo Handoko, Erdila Indriani, Astrie Kusuma Dewi, Hanifa Akrom, Sri Wahyu Warningsih, Diah Sekarwati Sat, 30 Nov 2024 00:00:00 +0700 Development Of Cultural And Religious Tourism Villages In Enhancing Rural Community Welfare <p><em>The improvement of rural community welfare is not solely dependent on successful agricultural development but can also be driven by the potential and uniqueness of natural and cultural tourism within rural communities. Thus, it is essential to study cultural and religious tourism villages that can be developed to enhance rural community welfare. This research was conducted in Kalisalak Village, Kebasen District, Banyumas Regency, which serves as a cultural and religious tourism village. The research utilized a case study approach to construct factual realities by collecting data through direct observation, interviews, and focus group discussions. The analysis involved data reduction, confirmation, and triangulation. The findings indicate that the Curug Song and Telaga Anteng tourist sites have the potential to be developed into eco-tourism attractions, maintaining their natural beauty and environmental preservation. The historical site and sacred keris bathing sites offer the potential for educational tourism, providing historical literacy, philosophy, and the preservation of local wisdom, which is passed down across generations to foster harmony, peace, solidarity, and wisdom. These two tourism potentials can be developed through community empowerment programs designed to manage and sustain eco-tourism and educational tourism that is green, environmentally friendly, and sustainable.</em></p> Chusmeru Chusmeru, Tri Nugroho Adi, Ganjar Agus Runtiko, Adhi Iman Sulaiman, Petrus Imam Prawoto Jati, Sri Weningsih, Niken Hapsari Arimurti Copyright (c) 2024 Chusmeru Chusmeru, Tri Nugroho Adi, Ganjar Agus Runtiko, Adhi Iman Sulaiman, Petrus Imam Prawoto Jati, Sri Weningsih, Niken Hapsari Arimurti Sat, 30 Nov 2024 00:00:00 +0700 Assistance To Improve Social Welfare Through Religious Awareness And Psychological Well-Being Based On Family Development Sessions For Muslim Communities Receiving Social Welfare In Sawoo District, Ponorogo Regency <p><em>This research aims to improve the social welfare of Muslim community recipients of social assistance in Sawoo District, Ponorogo, through increasing religious awareness and psychological well-being based on Family Development Session (FDS). The hypothesis proposed is that increasing religious awareness through FDS can improve social welfare. The research methods include needs identification, implementation of FDS sessions, and evaluation of program impacts through social welfare measurement before and after the intervention. The training uses a psychological capital approach (HERO: hope, self-efficacy, resilience, optimism) with an experiential learning method. The study participants were 60 people from various age groups. Religious orientation was measured using the Religious Orientation Scale (ROS) and psychological well-being was measured using the Ryff Scale of Psychological Well-being. The results of the data analysis showed a significant improvement in religious awareness and psychological well-being of participants after training, supporting the hypothesis that increased religious awareness through FDS contributes to social well-being.</em></p> Fatkhur Rohman Albanjari, Yusuf Hamdani Abdi, Nugraheni Fitroh R.Syakarna, Mazuri Binti Abd Ghani Copyright (c) 2024 Fatkhur Rohman Albanjari, Yusuf Hamdani Abdi, Nugraheni Fitroh R.Syakarna, Mazuri Binti Abd Ghani Sun, 01 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0700 Training and Mentoring of Manggarai Women Farmers Group to Make Eco-Enzyme from Agricultural Waste as Organic Fertilizer <p><em>The concept of organic farming based on local wisdom to realize the healthy living community movement program is very important to be implemented by referring to the concept of environmentally friendly and sustainable agriculture. One of the wastes that does not get attention to be managed properly is agricultural waste. Unprocessed agricultural waste will become a source of environmental pollution, a source of disease, and disrupt ecological cleanliness. Therefore, agrarian waste needs to be managed properly so that it can provide benefits to the lives of the community in general and farmers in particular. This community-based empowerment activity aims to assist and train the Manggarai Women Farmers Group in making eco-enzymes from agricultural waste as liquid organic fertilizers. Training and assistance activities are carried out with stages of socialization, training and assistance, application of technology, monitoring, and evaluation. The results of the activity show that there has been a change in the mindset of the members of the Manggarai Women Farmers group to utilize agricultural waste as a material for making eco-enzymes as organic fertilizers in plant cultivation.</em></p> Halim Halim, Vit Neru Satrah, Asniah Asniah Copyright (c) 2024 Halim Halim, Vit Neru Satrah, Asniah Asniah Sat, 30 Nov 2024 00:00:00 +0700 Enhancing Teacher Competency In Using Technology-Based Interactive Learning Media Through Wordwall Training At Tsanawiyah Dharut Thalibin <p><em>This community service focuses on training teachers to use technology-based interactive learning media, especially the Wordwall platform, for Tsanawiyah Dharut Thalibin, Sampung, Ponorogo, and East Java. This training aims to improve teachers' skills in creating interactive digital worksheets to overcome student boredom and increase active participation in learning. The training was carried out in several stages, starting from problem identification and planning to evaluation. The results of this training showed that most teachers had not previously used technology-based learning media. After the training, teachers can use the Wordwall platform to create interactive learning activities, such as quizzes and games, which are expected to increase student engagement and create a more dynamic learning atmosphere. The evaluation showed increased teachers' understanding and skills in interactive learning media.</em></p> Ida Widaningrum, Indah Puji Astuti, Khoiru Nurfitri, Rifqi Rahmatika Az-Zahra, Dyah Mustikasari, Ali Selamat, Bambang Widiyahseno Copyright (c) 2024 Ida Widaningrum, Indah Puji Astuti, Khoiru Nurfitri, Rifqi Rahmatika Az-Zahra, Dyah Mustikasari, Ali Selamat, Bambang Widiyahseno Sat, 30 Nov 2024 00:00:00 +0700 International Culture Awareness: Indonesia-Thailand Joint Community Service <p><em>The introduction of Indonesian culture is carried out through an understanding of ethnicity, art, language, and customs. This cultural sharing is considered effective as a means to promote the nation's culture and increase understanding between nations as a bridge to improve cross-cultural understanding and strengthen bilateral relations between the two countries. By introducing Indonesia's cultural diversity to the Thai people, it is hoped that it can increase understanding of the importance of culture as a form of national identity and maintain social harmony. By using the observation approach, sharing season, and presentation to identify the impact of the introduction of Indonesian culture on the perception of Thai society, with the main focus on cultural understanding, we can establish international cooperation. This study shows that this cultural introduction initiative can enrich Indonesia's cultural insights in the Thailand community, especially in Thai Global Business Administration Technological College (TGBC), as well as make them aware of the importance of culture as a national asset that must be preserved and appreciated. This can open up opportunities for cooperation in academic and non-academic fields, which will later create a closer and mutually beneficial relationship between the two countries.</em></p> Kukuh Arisetyawan, Aminudin Ma‘ruf, Tony Seno Aji, Hendry Cahyono, Wenny Restikasari, Prattana Srisuk, Nico Irawan, Safa Kharisma Copyright (c) 2024 Kukuh Arisetyawan, Aminudin Ma‘ruf, Tony Seno Aji, Hendry Cahyono, Wenny Restikasari, Safa Kharisma Sat, 30 Nov 2024 00:00:00 +0700 Assistance In Financial Management Of Karampuang Island Tourism Towards International Tourism <p><em>This study aims to analyze and assist in the financial management of tourism on Karampuang Island with the hope of increasing the island's tourist appeal for foreign visitors. The methods used in this study are literature study and Focus Group Discussion (FGD). Through literature study, data and information regarding best practices of financial management in the tourism sector were taken from various literature, journals and related documents. Furthermore, FGD was conducted by involving local stakeholders, including tourism attraction managers, local communities, and government officials. This activity aims to explore ideas, challenges, and solutions related to sustainable tourism financial management. The results of the FGD show that many tourism actors on Karampuang Island still experience difficulties in managing finances effectively. Therefore, training and assistance in budget management, financial recording, and marketing planning are needed. It is hoped that with this assistance, tourism actors can improve their managerial capacity and develop effective strategies to attract foreign tourists. These findings form the basis for formulating policy recommendations that support the development of sustainable tourism on Karampuang Island.</em></p> Lince Bulutoding, Nur Rahmah Sari, Rahman Ambo Masse, Hasbiullah Hasbiullah, Suhartono Suhartono, Raodahtul Jannah, Sumarlin Sumarlin, Namla Elfa Syariati, Marsanda Marsanda, Andi Reski Ananda Putri, Ashraf Reza Pahlevi, Muh. Adam Nursya Ban, Musdalifa Musdalifa Copyright (c) 2024 Lince Bulutoding, Nur Rahmah Sari, Rahman Ambo Masse, Hasbiullah Hasbiullah, Suhartono Suhartono, Raodahtul Jannah, Sumarlin Sumarlin, Namla Elfa Syariati, Marsanda Marsanda, Andi Reski Ananda Putri, Ashraf Reza Pahlevi, Muh. Adam Nursya Ban, Musdalifa Musdalifa Sat, 30 Nov 2024 00:00:00 +0700 Maritime Vocabularies Learning In English For Children And Teenagers In The Geopark Area Of The Bajo-Tilamuta Ethnic Village <p><em>Boalemo Regency selected the Bajo-Tilamuta Ethnic Village as a Cultural Diversity site for the Gorontalo Geopark due to the uniqueness of this ethnic group's way of life. The Bajo-Tilamuta tribe, one of the Bajo tribes, can be found on the coast of Gorontalo Province, specifically in Boalemo Regency. Despite residing on the coast, the Bajo-Tilamuta tribe remains isolated and distant from the broader population's settlements. However, the intensity of meetings between the Bajo and Gorontalo tribes often occurs through activities as fishermen and marriages between the Bajo and Gorontalo tribes. The Bajo tribe is known as a nomadic tribe at sea. Because of its spread beyond national borders, this tribe is known as a free border crosser. The Bajo tribe's reliance on the sea for shelter has led to their spread to various parts of the world, particularly in Southeast Asia. In the past, the Bajo tribe was known for exclusively living at sea, meaning they were born, lived, and died on boats. The Bajo people's way of life has now changed. Although the Bajo people still live on the sea's edge, their lives tend to settle in one place, leading many of their children to attend school and become graduates. The potential of the Bajo village as an ethnic geopark village hinges on the availability of human resources capable of supporting the village's designation as a geopark tourism village. Therefore, children and teenagers in the Bajo-Tilamuta Village require foreign language training, such as English. We take this action to prepare for the potential arrival of foreign tourists in the future. Through community service integrated with KKN (Community Service Program), students use the English teaching method for young learners by introducing maritime English vocabulary whose objects are in the daily lives of the Bajo Community, namely the sea and its environment. </em></p> Magdalena Baga, Muzdalifah Mahmud , Farid Muhamad Copyright (c) 2024 Magdalena Baga, Muzdalifah Mahmud , Farid Muhamad Sat, 30 Nov 2024 00:00:00 +0700 Tax Literacy: Tax Knowledge For Students Yppgi Sentani Junior High School Jayapura Regency <p><em>Tax is the implementation of obligations that are paid voluntarily. This understanding needs to be done from the beginning to the younger generation to increase tax awareness because it is an important point considering that taxes are one of the sources of state revenue that will be used for development. Introducing taxes and various benefits of tax reporting is important for students to prepare themselves as mandatory subjects and will subsequently become taxpayers. This community service aims to increase tax understanding from an early age through the provision of tax knowledge for students of YPPGI Junior High School, Jayapura Regency. Tax material is focused on three things: the definition of taxes and tax benefits, sources of state revenue, and the importance of paying taxes. Tax literacy teaches students the obligations, and procedures of being a taxpayer. Participants in this activity are 58 YPPGI students in Grades 7 and 8, it is hoped that the students can understand the importance of taxes as one of the sources of state revenue and realize their tax obligations from an early age—teaching methods through lectures, tax video screenings, and games</em>. <em>Learning</em><em> activities results showed a positive difference in tax knowledge before and after the material was given. Students are happy with the material taught and aware of the tax obligations if they work later.</em></p> Meinarni Asnawi, Pascalina V.S Sesa Copyright (c) 2024 Meinarni Asnawi, Pascalina V.S Sesa Sat, 30 Nov 2024 00:00:00 +0700 Technical Guidance For Implementation Cloud Computing Technology For Support Learning Network Computers At Cipta Insani Vocational School Independent <p><em>The purpose of community service is give guidance technical about implementation cloud computing technology in support learning network computers at Cipta Insan Vocational School Independent . Activities This covering socialization , training practical , and study designed case​ For increase teacher and student understanding about cloud computing. The results of activity This show improvement significant in understanding participant about cloud computing concepts and applications , as well as integration a number of module learning with technology In addition , students​ show improvement skills practical in using cloud platforms to project network computer . Feed come back Participants also reflected mark positive from activity this , which is expected can contribute to the improvement quality education in the digital age. The success of this program shown with activity&nbsp; all participants and enthusiasts participant do discussion and results questionnaire satisfaction show&nbsp; by 90.50% of participants satisfied with existence training This Because can increase understanding as well as ability practical student about Cloud Computing.</em></p> Nuraini Purwandari, Boy Firmansyah, Rr Ayanti Kristantini, Hilman Jihadi , Harjo Baskoro , Ardi Kurniawan Copyright (c) 2024 Nuraini Purwandari, Boy Firmansyah, Rr Ayanti Kristantini, Hilman Jihadi , Harjo Baskoro , Ardi Kurniawan Sat, 30 Nov 2024 00:00:00 +0700 Introduction and Consultation on the Indonesia's Oil and Gas Sharing Contract at CNG Co. <p><em>Indonesia's oil and gas sector has traditionally employed Production Sharing Contracts (PSCs) to regulate the sharing of revenues between the government and contractors. Two key PSC models are used: PSC Cost Recovery and PSC Gross Split. The PSC Cost Recovery model allows contractors to recover their exploration and production costs before profits are shared, providing financial protection but reducing long-term profitability. Conversely, the PSC Gross Split model, introduced in 2017, offers a simpler revenue-sharing mechanism, eliminating cost recovery and directly splitting gross revenue between the government and contractors. This study analyzes the financial implications of both models using economic simulations, focusing on key indicators like net cash flow, net present value (NPV), pay-out time, and discounted cash flow (DCF) rate of return. Results show that the Gross Split model generates significantly higher gross revenue ($420.908 million) than Cost Recovery ($46.362 million), but at the cost of greater financial risks for contractors due to higher upfront investments and operating costs. The Gross Split model also provides higher long-term returns, with a net cash flow of $67.138 million compared to $8.252 million in Cost Recovery. However, the pay-out time is longer, and the DCF rate of return is slightly lower (29.95% vs. 31.8%). Ultimately, PSC Gross Split is more suited for contractors with higher risk tolerance and capital resources, while PSC Cost Recovery may be preferable for smaller contractors seeking to minimize financial risks. Both models offer distinct advantages depending on the contractor’s financial capacity and risk appetite.</em></p> Prayang Sunny Yulia, R. Hari Karyadi Oetomo, Arinda Ristawati, Aqlyna Fattahanisa, Riskaviana Kurniawati Copyright (c) 2024 Prayang Sunny Yulia, R. Hari Karyadi Oetomo, Arinda Ristawati, Aqlyna Fattahanisa, Riskaviana Kurniawati Sat, 30 Nov 2024 00:00:00 +0700 Validation Of Matching Nik, Npwp And Assistance In Filling Out Annual Tax Returns With Ibi Kosgoro Tax Volunteers For 2024 Term Of Service <p><em>Matching of Population Identification Numbers (NIK) and Taxpayer Identification Numbers (NPWP), as well as assistance in filling out the Annual Tax Return (SPT). Validation of NIK and NPWP is a critical step in identifying and ensuring the validity of individual and company data in various administrative processes, especially those related to tax obligations. NIK validation involves matching a person's personal identity data with an official government database, while NPWP validation verifies the existence and validity of a company's tax identification number. These two processes support the accuracy of information used in various financial transactions and reporting. Apart from validation, assistance in filling out the Annual Tax Return is also important to ensure that the tax documents submitted comply with applicable tax regulations. This assistance can take the form of technical assistance in filling out SPT forms, consultation regarding income classification and processing tax deductions, as well as interpretation of the latest applicable regulations. Validation of NIK and NPWP as well as assistance in filling out the Annual SPT plays an important role in supporting administrative efficiency and tax compliance. By optimizing these processes, it is hoped that it can improve tax compliance, reduce the risk of administrative errors, and increase transparency and accountability in data management and financial reporting.</em></p> Prisila Damayanty, Zara Tania Rahmadi, Indra Setiawan, Kabul Wahyu Utomo, Tigha Anaku Putri Copyright (c) 2024 Prisila Damayanty, Zara Tania Rahmadi, Indra Setiawan, Kabul Wahyu Utomo, Tigha Anaku Putri Sat, 30 Nov 2024 00:00:00 +0700 Community Service Apply Technology To Support A Green Economy In The Bait Qurani Islamic Boarding School In Bogor District <p><em>Bait Qurani was founded in 2008, under the leadership of Ustad Mahsum Salim. This Islamic boarding school is here to build an intelligent, Hafiz and Moral generation based on sincere intentions fi sabilillah. The results of a survey by a team of lecturers and students from Mercubuana University show that there are several problems that occur in this Islamic boarding school, such as large piles of organic and inorganic waste, the absence of a data collection system for students and a lack of knowledge about product sales. Based on the background above, the aim of holding this PKM activity is to provide learning about the importance of this waste problem which must be overcome, through several activities, where this worthless waste will become valuable, namely through technological processing using a composter, where this organic waste will be processed by fermentation to produce liquid fertilizer that can be sold. Likewise, inorganic waste can be recycled into valuable and useful items such as wallets, etc. To collect student data in Islamic boarding schools, how to sell using Smart Application digital marketing. It is hoped that this community service activity can solve problems in Islamic boarding schools, student data collection will be easier and will improve economic levels, so that the welfare of managers will increase.</em></p> Nurato Nurato, Sri Anah, Dedik Romahadi, Rama Enggar Pur nama , Diar Arvisyah, Bima Aditya Copyright (c) 2024 Nurato Nurato, Sri Anah, Dedik Romahadi, Rama Enggar Pur nama , Diar Arvisyah, Bima Aditya Sat, 30 Nov 2024 00:00:00 +0700 Training Installation and Configuration Network Computer Simple for Students of Cipta Insani Vocational School Independent <p><em>Training installation and configuration network computer simple for students of Cipta Insani Vocational School Independent aiming For increase understanding and skills student in build as well as manage network computer . The method used in devotion This is approach practical through session theory and practice directly , where students given material about the basics network , device hard used , as well as steps installation and configuration . The results of training This show improvement knowledge student about network computer , which is measured through pre-test and post-test, as well bait come back positive from participant about involvement and implementation material . With training this , it is expected student can implement knowledge gained​ in projects at school and in the world of work in the future . The success of this program shown with activity&nbsp; all participants and enthusiasts participant do discussion and results questionnaire satisfaction show&nbsp; by 90.50% of participants satisfied with existence training This Because can increase understanding as well as ability practical student about Network Computer</em></p> <p><em>&nbsp;</em></p> Rino Subekti, Devi Puspitasari, Ghanistantiono Ghanistantiono, Dade Maulana, Erdiek Ardhianto, Muhammad Raihan Copyright (c) 2024 Rino Subekti, Devi Puspitasari, Ghanistantiono Ghanistantiono, Dade Maulana, Erdiek Ardhianto, Muhammad Raihan Sat, 30 Nov 2024 00:00:00 +0700 Optimizing STEM Learning in SDN Bringinan with Interactive PhET Technology <p><em>This program aimed to enhance STEM education at SDN Bringinan, Jambon, Ponorogo, by integrating PhET Interactive Simulations. The program focused on two main topics: energy transfer and energy transformations. Students from grades 4, 5, and 6 were divided into groups and guided by facilitators to explore these concepts using PhET. The program began with problem identification through discussions with the school's Principal and teachers, followed by careful planning and execution over two sessions in August 2024. The first session introduced students to heat transfer, while the second focused on energy transformations. Post-session evaluations showed that students successfully understood and applied these concepts, identifying energy sources, converters, and users, and explaining the process of energy transformations. The success of the program suggests the effectiveness of interactive technology like PhET in improving students' comprehension of complex scientific concepts, highlighting a valuable approach for future educational initiatives.</em></p> Rizal Arifin, Sudarno Sudarno, Yoyok Winardi, Desriyanti Desriyanti, Vijay Adi Mustiko, Norhasnidawani Johari, Ali Selamat Copyright (c) 2024 Rizal Arifin, Sudarno Sudarno, Yoyok Winardi, Desriyanti Desriyanti, Vijay Adi Mustiko, Norhasnidawani Johari, Ali Selamat Sat, 30 Nov 2024 00:00:00 +0700 Mentoring the Development of Mental Health Systems in Schools <p><em>This community service program aims to provide assistance to guidance and counseling teachers who are expected to become pioneers of the school mental health system. The emergence of increasingly complex mental health problems in schools cannot only be handled in responsive and curative ways but also need to be accompanied by preventive efforts from the school. By using the paradigm of positive psychology and positive education through the PROSPER model, guidance and counseling teachers and schools in general are able to collect resources to build a mental health system in schools. The PROSPER model consists of seven components, namely positivity, relationships, outcomes, strength, purpose, engagement, and resilience. The partners selected for this community service are guidance and counseling teachers at junior high schools in the Karanganyar area under the auspices of the Karanganyar Regency Education and Culture Office. The number of participants who attended was 30 guidance and counseling teachers from both private and public schools in this area. The assistance carried out was carried out over a period of 3 months starting with initial coordination, provision of materials, workshops and assistance and monitoring. Initial coordination was carried out through the WhatsApp group media, then the provision of materials was carried out offline. This material provision activity was then continued with a workshop on preparing SOPs for implementing the PROSPER model. It is hoped that after participating in this program, target partners will have the capacity to develop mental health systems and implement them independently and sustainably. The outputs in this PkM include mandatory outputs, namely partner cooperation letters, IA scripts, print and social media publications, and PkM activity posters.</em></p> Sigit Sanyata, Natri Sutanti, Nanang Erma Gunawan, Suwarjo Suwarjo, Cut Munika Bastia Ramadani Copyright (c) 2024 Sigit Sanyata, Natri Sutanti, Nanang Erma Gunawan, Suwarjo Suwarjo, Cut Munika Bastia Ramadani Sat, 30 Nov 2024 00:00:00 +0700 Business Management Training For The Milk Candy Business Group In Penyaring Village, Sumbawa Regency <p><em>Downstreaming of cattle farming products in the form of milk candy products continues to develop in Penyaring Village, Sumbawa district. This product is a characteristic of Sumbawa which is driving the economy of Penyaring Village. The demand for this product continues to increase all the time, making this product a typical souvenir that is very popular with local and foreign tourists. However, on average the milk candy business group does not have good business management, such as not having an organizational structure, a production system that is still manual, product marketing that is still manual and product quality is not good, making it very difficult to develop. For this reason, it is necessary to empower business groups by carrying out training and business management assistance consisting of organizational management, production management, quality management, and product marketing management to increase the income of the milk candy business group. The Service Team surveyed milk candy business groups, assessing business management training as very useful and helpful in increasing income.</em></p> Silvia Firda Utami, Mietra Anggara, Ulfaturrahmi Ulfaturrahmi Copyright (c) 2024 Silvia Firda Utami, Mietra Anggara, Ulfaturrahmi Ulfaturrahmi Sun, 01 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0700 Secondary School Teachers' Development In TPACK, ICT Literacy, And High-Level Thinking: Community Service In SMK N 3 Purwokerto, Central Java <p><em>Students can gain a better grasp of subjects through the use of ICT literacy. Students can learn a wide range of facts and concepts in a balanced and effective way if they are literate in the use of information and communication technologies. Research has shown that there is a strong correlation between PLT and ICT Literacy. The correlation between TPACK and ICT literacy is strong as well. All of this points to the importance of TPACK, PLT, and ICT literacy as cornerstones of effective classroom instruction. The goals of this community service project are threefold: first, to increase teachers' TPACK competency, ICT literacy, and PLT understanding and knowledge; second, to develop TPACK competency programs; and third, to develop TPACK competency, ICT literacy, and PLT teaching materials. The author argues that the training implementation method is the most justified of the three prerequisites that any school must meet. These prerequisites include: 1) Setting up a system for online instruction. Naturally, their e-learning platform can cleanly display TPACK competencies, ICT literacy, and PLT; 2) Creating activities for innovation workshops; 3) Engaging students in learning TPACK competences, ICT literacy, and PLT through student-led activities.</em></p> Wanda Nugroho Yanuarto, Ira Hapsari, Laily Nurlina, Mohamad Ikram Zakaria Copyright (c) 2024 Wanda Nugroho Yanuarto, Ira Hapsari, Laily Nurlina, Mohamad Ikram Zakaria Sat, 30 Nov 2024 00:00:00 +0700 Capacity Building Of Residents In Utilizing Family Medicinal Plants As An Alternative To Self-Medication <p><em>The utilization of Family Medicinal Plants (TOGA) as an alternative for self-medication has the potential to improve community health and well-being. This community service program aimed to enhance the capacity of residents in Penyengat Rendah Village in utilizing TOGA. The program involved training, mentoring, and the provision of simple technologies to support the effective cultivation and processing of medicinal plants. The results showed a significant increase in residents' knowledge and skills, with the average score increasing from 48 in the pre-test to 90 in the post-test (p &lt; 0.001). The effect size (d = 2.3) indicated a substantial impact of the intervention on participants' knowledge improvement. Regression analysis revealed that the pre-test score only explained 10.71% of the post-test score variance, suggesting the influence of other factors on learning outcomes. The application of relevant technologies, such as drying racks and digital education platforms, contributed to the program's effectiveness. Through active community participation and appropriate technology, this program has the potential to become a sustainable health solution and economic resource. Further development of the program is recommended, including advanced processing techniques, the formation of TOGA communities, and collaboration with local markets to enhance the economic value of TOGA products.</em></p> Dini Rudini, Fadliyana Ekawaty , Putri Irwanti Sari, Yulia Indah Permata Sari, Yosi Oktarina Copyright (c) 2024 Dini Rudini, Fadliyana Ekawaty , Putri Irwanti Sari, Yulia Indah Permata Sari, Yosi Oktarina Sat, 30 Nov 2024 00:00:00 +0700 Assistance For Students to Improving Islamic Religious And Economic Education In Islamic Boarding Schools in Indonesia <p>The Ahmad Dahlan Qur'an Memorization Islamic Boarding School in Ponorogo Regency is an Islamic boarding school under the auspices of the Muhammadiyah organization, which has a different level of academic quality compared to modern boarding school students, including the following: 1) Mastery of the yellow books or classical Islamic literature in Arabic across various religious disciplines. 2) In- depth &nbsp;knowledge&nbsp; of&nbsp; Arabic &nbsp;grammar&nbsp; or&nbsp; Nahwu, &nbsp;Sharaf,&nbsp; balaghah &nbsp;(meaning, bayan, badi’), and logic, as these subjects are studied seriously and occupy a significant portion of the modern boarding school curriculum. 3) Proficiency in memorizing the Qur'an. 4). Entrepreneurship program for students. Students are required to study Islam comprehensively to develop a religious character. The pesantren emphasizes values such as discipline, a sense of responsibility, independence,&nbsp; simplicity,&nbsp; and&nbsp; honesty. &nbsp;In&nbsp; addition,&nbsp; they are also&nbsp; taught&nbsp; about entrepreneurship. It is hoped that the students will develop a character that can master their faith and possess the skills for independence after graduating from the pesantren.</p> Katni Katni, Dato' Ab Halim Tamuri, Adib Khusnul Rois, Femi Astika Candra Chairani, Syamsul Arifin Copyright (c) 2024 Katni Katni, Dato' Ab Halim Tamuri, Adib Khusnul Rois, Femi Astika Candra Chairani, Syamsul Arifin Sat, 30 Nov 2024 00:00:00 +0700 Strategic Approaches to University Product Marketing in the Global Market <p><em>This community service program, conducted by Universitas Syiah Kuala (USK) in collaboration with Thaksin University (TSU), aimed to promote effective marketing strategies for university best local products to expand their presence in global markets. The program focused on the utilization of Aceh's patchouli oil, a product with substantial international demand, as an example of how local resources can be developed into competitive products for the global market. The methods used included dissemination sessions, interactive discussions, and demonstrations of products produced by the cooperative to both local farmers and academic partners in Thailand. The results indicated increased participant awareness of the potential of local products, with the Inovac ARC Cooperative playing a key role in the development and marketing of these products. The success of the program was attributed to the integration of product innovation, strategic marketing, and collaboration with international partners. Future programs should focus on strengthening international partnerships and exploring digital marketing strategies to enhance market access for local products. Decision-makers are encouraged to support cooperative initiatives that combine local expertise with global market standards.</em></p> Vivi Silvia, Naswatun Zikra, Zia Thahira, Taufiq C. Dawood, Nazamuddin Nazamuddin, T. Zulham, Apridar Apridar, Aliasuddin, Srinita Srinita, Chenny Seftarita Copyright (c) 2024 Vivi Silvia, Naswatun Zikra, Zia Thahira, Taufiq C. Dawood, Nazamuddin Nazamuddin, T. Zulham, Apridar Apridar, Aliasuddin, Srinita Srinita, Chenny Seftarita Sat, 30 Nov 2024 00:00:00 +0700 International Community Service: Animal Welfare Campaign And Education For Elementary Student In Kota Bharu, Kelantan, Malaysia <p>The existence of animals has a very important role in the lives of children around the world who generally place animals as their closest friends. Having pets for children provides benefits in the form of social support, reducing stress levels and can increase empathy for other living things. Children who love their pets will usually become someone who is aware of the importance of animal welfare and most importantly has a humane character. Animal Welfare Education for children at the elementary school level aims to provide early prevention of animal abuse and improve humane character. Therefore, this Community Service aims to provide early education to children at the elementary school level about the importance and how to apply animal welfare values in everyday life, which in the long term will bring goodness and benefits to human health and welfare.</p> Dian Ayu Kartika Sari, Desty Apritya, Moh. Noor Rahman Copyright (c) 2024 Dian Ayu Kartika Sari, Desty Apritya, Moh. Noor Rahman Sat, 30 Nov 2024 00:00:00 +0700 PKM Application of Science and Technology for Waste Processing, Digital Marketing and Accounting in Sanphora Village, Tangerang <p>Tanggerang district government, Banten, has established a waste bank program so that waste can have economic value and residents do not throw it away carelessly. From data recorded at the Tangerang City Environmental Service (DLH), there are 361 operating waste bank points. In Sanphora village, especially Cilandak Baru village number 114, RT 04, RW 04. Based on the results of a survey by a team of lecturers and students after meeting with the head of RT 04 named Mr. Sutarman and his wife who served as head of PKK RT 04 named Mrs. Kusmiati with complaints that in the area of&nbsp; Sanpora village there has not been a Waste Bank established, so that a lot of waste is not processed, so that the environment becomes dirty and smells bad, which can cause disease for the residents around it. University and its students through this community service activity will solve the waste problem in Sanphora village in RT04, Tangerang, while this PKM activity will apply appropriate technology to make liquid fertilizer from organic waste, make handicrafts from inorganic waste and introduce simple accounting and digital marketing uses the Smart application to sell PKM products, where it is hoped that the products produced from this activity can be sold so as to improve the standard of living of PKK mothers, especially in RT 04 in Sanphora Village, Tangerang.</p> <p><strong>Keywords:&nbsp; </strong>Waste Bank, Appropriate technology, Smart Applications</p> Wiwit Suprihatiningsih, I G. Ayu Arwati, Erna S. Imaningsih, Muhammad Fikri, Arip Setiawan Copyright (c) 2024 Wiwit Suprihatiningsih, I G. Ayu Arwati, Erna S. Imaningsih, Muhammad Fikri, Arip Setiawan Sat, 30 Nov 2024 00:00:00 +0700